Thursday, July 5, 2012

Removing the Pain Pump (6/28/12)

Removing the Pain Pump:

The above Youtube link is NOT me, however it will give you an idea of what its like and what to expect.  Beware...  it could make your a little queasy.  
My doctor told me that when the pain pump runs out in about 3 days and I can go ahead and remove it myself.

          The directions were as follows:

- When the pain pump is empty (all the juice is gone and there is just a hard small cylinder in the middle of the clear plastic bag with the On Q written on it) it is time for removal.

- Carefully pull of the surgical tape holding the tubes in place.

- Place your fingers as close to the tube entry near your skin and slowly start to pull the tube out

- Repeat on the other side

He said not to worry, there will be no pain but I might feel the tubes moving and sliding out from inside my breasts.

He also warned that there could be a drop or two of blood by the entry site and have a tissue or gauge ready.

Well, it was removal time and I was grossed out and queasy at the whole idea.  My fiance helped out though and made it easier for me.

Removing the tape was the only painful part.  That stuff is on there like glue!!

Once the tape was off, he started to pull the tube.  It felt like he was pulling forever and I 100% felt that tube sliding around in my breast.  It was rather freaky!  It DID NOT hurt, but was just such a crazy gross feeling.

After he got the second tube he showed me how much was actually inside me.... The better part of 8 inches of tube in each breast!  Crazy!

I did feel a lot better after the pain pump was removed but I really think it was all psychosomatic... The idea in my mind that the removal of the pump was a sign of getting better, not needing it and moving on with healing.  That, and it felt so good to not have to wear the fanny pack, carry the pump around, having all those tubes taped to me and risking getting caught near the fanny pack, etc.

Either way, by Friday afternoon, I noticed a HUGE improvement on how I felt!

But, I am GLAD I got the pain pump.  I HIGHLY suggest it!  I do not know how I would've felt without it, but considering I was never in real pain, I am guessing it had something to do with making that happen.

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