Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Breast Augmentation, Bust Measurement

Hi and thanks for checking out my blog!!

What you will read is my personal, open, honest, and REAL account of my breast augmentation and a step-by-step of my experiences through the entire process.

I will have pictures posted for myself along the way documenting my change as well.  It is for the purpose of showing you what things can look like and why it is important to be patient during your recovery.  :)   It WILL get better!  I promise.

What I WILL talk about is what I did, am doing, and what happened to me from start to finish.
I won't waste your time with boring stats, facts, and tips for pre and post surgery, medications to avoid, recovery tips, etc because you can look those up on so many sites.

A few good, useful, and helpful sites that I read a lot during my journey are  www.implantinfo.com ,  http://www.justbreastimplants.com/ , http://www.breastimplantinfo.org/ , and http://www.fda.gov/medicaldevices/productsandmedicalprocedures/implantsandprosthetics/breastimplants/default.htm

I will keep up to date with this blog as I go through new experiences and hit milestones. So please continue to check back.

You will see posts including, but not limited to:

- My decision for augmentation
- Finding a surgeon
- Consultation
- Pre-op appointment
- Thoughts and fears before surgery
- Surgery
- The first night
- Post-op appointment (the day after
- The first few days
- Weekly updates for the several months
- Monthly updates after the first 6 months
- Continual updates after the first year

Yes, I will be happy to also answer questions and to try to help others considering breast augmentation (BA) and those going through surgery and post surgery.

PLEASE feel free to contact me. :)

Thanks and I hope you enjoy reading about my experience and best of luck to you on your decision and your own personal journey!

~ EJ

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